Home » DISCO Starring Living Lab Thessaloniki holds successful local Open Day event

Exciting news from us at DISCO! On Wednesday, 21 February 2024, our Starring Living Lab Thessaloniki hosted its inaugural local Open Day for the DISCO project, unveiling transformative urban Logistics measures – and it was a resounding success! This marked a significant milestone in our journey towards revolutionizing urban logistics: the event brought together a diverse array of local stakeholders, including representatives from the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the Real Estate sector, the Logistics Industry, and the Chamber of Commerce & Industry representing local retail. The meticulously organized event, orchestrated by PLANNING SA, provided an enriching platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Throughout the day, industry representatives revealed the current state of Thessaloniki’s logistics landscape, offering valuable insights. Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou and the HIT/CERTH team took centre stage, delving into the dynamic urban logistics measures outlined in DISCO. Their presentation not only showcased the transformative changes these measures will catalyze in Thessaloniki but also underscored the pivotal role of the Physical Internet concept in driving this evolution. Emphasis was placed on the advantages of data sharing in fostering Urban Freight Data Spaces, highlighting the potential for a more interconnected and efficient logistics network.

Following the illuminating presentations, a workshop roundtable fostered discussions and solicited feedback from local stakeholders on various aspects of DISCO’s innovative measures. Key outcomes of these discussions included:

  1. Ensuring Product Security and Service Levels: Stakeholders underscored the importance of prioritizing product security and maintaining high service levels at shared warehousing facilities. This emphasis reflects a commitment to creating a logistics environment that prioritizes both efficiency and reliability.
  2. Micro-Hubs for Time and Cost Reductions: Participants recognized the substantial benefits of deploying micro-hubs near high-demand areas. The utilization of these strategically located hubs is expected to result in significant time and cost reductions for logistics industry players, thereby optimizing overall supply chain operations.
  3. Dynamic Assignment of Freight Distribution with Green Fleet Operators: Stakeholders acknowledged the feasibility of implementing dynamic assignment of freight distribution, particularly in areas with regulatory restrictions on conventional delivery vehicles. The enthusiasm surrounding the potential collaboration with Green fleet operators reflects a collective openness to innovative solutions aligned with sustainability goals.

Engaging with local stakeholders holds paramount importance for both the Municipality of Thessaloniki and the Hellenic Institute of Transport/CERTH. This interaction serves as a crucial step in validating research objectives and gauging reactions to the forthcoming urban environment changes across European municipalities. The success of the Open Day underscores the collaborative spirit and shared commitment towards building a more resilient and efficient urban logistics ecosystem. The DISCO project looks forward to further collaboration and partnerships as we continue our mission to reshape the future of urban logistics in Thessaloniki and beyond.