Home » DISCO partners gather in Barcelona for second partner meeting

The DISCO consortium met once again on 23-24 October after the kick-off meeting for a two-day fruitful partner Meeting at the premises of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in beautiful Barcelona.

This was a unique opportunity to gather all our partners for a comprehensive update six months into the project. On the first day, the discussions have focused on the progress of first dissemination actions and synergies with relevant initiatives, fellow EU-funded projects focusing on urban freight, and the setting up of the Impact Creation Board for Transformation (ICBT). A dedicated workshop followed in the afternoon session and focused on producing the initial and updated set of DISCO-X requirements to create the first cut view of the metamodel suite.

On the second day, a focus has been paid to all of the Starring Living Labs, their plans to kick start their activities and the initial use cases foreseen, preceded by an overview of the Agile Model Implementation Roadmap to be applied at the different Living Labs.

DISCO is busy at work on the concept of Physical-Internet applied to urban logistics to maximise usage of assets and increase efficiency, reducing traffic flow and mitigating negative impacts on the environment and society.

The next in-person gathering of the DISCO consortium will take place in Thessaloniki in April 2024.