Home » DISCO takes centre stage at TRA 2024

DISCO was featured at Transport Research Arena (TRA), which took place on 15-18 April 2024 in Dublin, Ireland! TRA is the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility. This year’s theme was “Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility”.

Paola Cossu featured DISCO in the Special Session titled “Innovation in Urban Logistics: Public and Private Sectors Thriving Together“, co-organised by POLIS, ALICE and ECTRI. The session aimed to share successful experiences and lessons learnt in urban logistics from EU-funded R&I projects and create a common vision of using innovative solutions for zero-emission urban freight transport. Inputs and discussions with other EU-funded such as DECARBOMILE, GREEN-LOG, URBANE, and UNCHAIN.

Moreover, Paola Astegiano (FIT) presented DISCO at the poster session dedicated to logistics and sustainable transport.

Finally, DISCO was featured during the entire duration of the conference with a booth shared with URBANE at the ETP-ALICE Innovation Village, along with other relevant EU-funded projects focusing on urban freight and logistics.