Home » DISCO event recap: Spring-Summer 2024

DISCO has been bustling this spring and summer, actively engaging in numerous forums on mobility and sustainable freight to highlight our pioneering project. Here’s a quick recap of our recent activities!

MED COLOURS Project Meeting

There is always a good opportunity to talk about DISCO! On 5 June 2024, Paola Astegiano, DISCO Project Manager, was in Bologna at the meeting of a fellow European project: MED COLOURS!

The goal? To develop synergies and share experiences, best practices, visions and strategies for more efficient data-driven urban logistics. Indeed, funded by the Interreg Euro-MED Programme and part of the Interreg Euro-MED Green Living Areas Mission, MED COLOURS is also working to enable the transition to decarbonised and smart cities with more sustainable urban logistics

We look forward to fostering more collaboration with fellow EU projects for a new, collective future of sustainable logistics!


On 30 and 31 May 2024, in Florence, Italy, the fourth Edition of the PDAYS 2024 took place, an event dedicated to the themes of parking and urban space management organised by AIPARK Associazione Italiana Operatori Sosta e Mobilità.

On Friday 31 May, Matteo Banfi from the DISCO Twinning Living Lab Padua presented the city’s successful experiences, being selected among the 100 Mission cities, the project’s only Italian Living Lab and an example of excellence in urban logistics management since the European MOSCO project.

LINKS Foundation workshop on ‘Sustainable urban logistics: innovative solutions and planning strategies’

On 24 April 2024, our Project Coordinator Paola Cossu joined LINKS Foundation’s workshop on ‘Sustainable urban logistics: innovative solutions and planning strategies. Organised with UPS and DISCO project lead FIT Consulting srl in honour of #PlanetWeek2024, the event went all-in on sustainable logistics, presenting innovative EU projects like ours and our twin UNCHAIN Project!

The objective of the workshop was indeed to present an overview of the most innovative solutions to meet the current challenges of hashtag urban logistics, fostering dialogue and knowledge sharing. An objective that was successfully achieved thanks also to the presentation of other interesting national and international initiatives, such as #ToMove, which explores autonomous mobility solutions, and UNCHAIN, which focused on improving logistics processes in the urban context by fostering information sharing between actors.

POLIS – ALICE Greening Urban Freight 2024 Webinar Series: Physical Internet-Led Urban Logistics

The first webinar of the POLIS – ALICE webinar series 2024 focused on Physical-Internet (PI) innovation, and has been jointly organised by the DISCO and URBANE projects. The webinar has been facilitated by Paola Cossu, with contributions from Bart Lannoo (BE-Mobile) from the DISCO project and Alice Benini (Institute for Transport and Logistics, ITL) from the URBANE project, highlighting the common work of the two projects implementing in real scenarios PI concepts in Bologna and Belgium.

DISCO at Intertraffic

DISCO was featured also at Intertraffic Amsterdam, which took place between 16 -19 April 2024 in the Netherlands. Intertraffic is one of the world’s leading business and stakeholder gathering on smart mobility, infrastructure, traffic management, road safety and parking.

On 16 April 2024, a session on “The Battle for Urban Space: How to Organize the Kerb in Inner Cities?”, organized by European Parking Association and moderated by Theo Thuis, Chair of the EPA Scientific Committee, supported by FIT Consulting and POLIS. The stage was shared with Laurence A. Bannerman, Bart Lannoo and Wouter van de Wiele (BE-Mobile) spoke, Iskandar Tange from Coding the Curbs.

The session discussed the vision on how to set up urban access control, with a focus on logistics and including lessons learned from DISCO.

DISCO at the Data Spaces Symposium

DISCO also got to attend the Data Spaces Symposium in Darmstadt! Our Coordinator Paola Cossu attended Vertical 2, “Data Spaces for Mobility, Tourism, and Cities: How are data spaces transforming our lives?” presenting DISCO’s work on Mobility of People and Goods applications.

The Data Spaces Symposium is the world’s leading event on data spaces, and this year’s edition was a great success. The 2024 edition in Frankfurt showcased ready-to-market solutions and use cases, demonstrating advanced steps in data spaces applications.