
Boosting advanced B2C/B2B last-mile for local commerce valorising micro-hubs in underused spaces, powered by smart predictive models, and operated by zero-emission vehicles and smart curb side use, generating green business opportunities.

The Zaragoza Living Lab will enhance its last mile delivery thanks to an adapted Control Tower of multi stakeholder delivery management. It will boost local commerce via the integration and enhancement of the Citizen Card and the Volveremos groupon program, which provide an understanding of the transport and social behaviours. The Data Space will be utilised as a solid platform to create added value to the city by developing a vision and a work line withinthe City’s #DataLab team’s adapted to the guidelines of the Data Act initiative. All in all, the results from DISCO will motivate the generation of guidelines, storytelling, APIs, predictive based algorithms, and models to facilitate the adoption and replication among other European mid-size cities.


Boosting advanced B2C/B2B last-mile for local commerce valorising micro-hubs in underused spaces, powered by smart predictive models, and operated by zero-emission vehicles and smart curb side use, generating green business opportunities.

The Valencia Living Lab will implement a Supply Chain Hub (SCH), a flexible logistics facility in which several supply chains that serve the B2B/B2C last mile will be managed. In DISCO, AI will be used for the consolidation and regrouping of loads (multisector and multiproduct), unification of the distribution in a single fleet of zero-emission vehicles (100% electric designed to carry out an operationally efficient last mile distribution).


Boosting advanced B2C/B2B last-mile for local commerce valorising micro-hubs in underused spaces, powered by smart predictive models and operated by zero-emission vehicles and smart curb side use, generating green business opportunities.

Barcelona, Valencia, and Zaragoza have established a well-connected cluster of cities belonging to the same country (Spain) to empower the positive effects of implementation, uptake, and replication potentials of sets of complementary measures on a larger scale and in various local conditions. All the three cities have ambitious plans and sustainable goals and have therefore all been selected as part of the “100 EU Mission climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030”.

The Spanish Cluster will be testing all DISCO innovation models. The Barcelona Living Lab will develop a Decision Support System to measure and predict the demand of freight trips in the city. The valorisation of the data gathered and of the existing Digital Twin infrastructure will improve the City’s capacity to respond to city logistics needs for more dynamic operations and urban space and other assets use. The new curb management model is expected to significantly increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the last mile transportation system of the city and could be used as a paradigm shift towards digital management of L/U parking slots for logistics processes.


Dynamic urban space re-allocation adopting modular lockers and coordinated network in real-time with logistics service providers.

The City of Padua is a major centre for services, tourism, and culture, and is surrounded by a large, dynamic area that has experienced significant growth in recent years and, as such, is a significant generator of travel.

The city is well connected with neighbouring cities in the Veneto Region, and with long-distance transport networks. It is one of the selected 100 EU “Mission climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030”: to accelerate achievement of its decarbonisation goals, the city to improve and further decarbonize urban logistics and reduce freight flows.

The Padua Living Lab will consist in the development and implementation of innovative urban logistics solutions based on the cutting-edge innovative system called NEXT, focused on urban space re-allocation, in terms of static shared micro-hubs, dynamic lockers and temporary shops (dynamic urban space re-allocation). The LL will integrate a “dynamic urban logistics network” made of strategically positioned logistics urban hubs to consolidate transport flows. Shared infrastructure and available urban spaces (local microhubs) will define the innovative concept of “dynamic lockers”.