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Multifunctional micro-hubs with network management and flexible use of space promoting use of zero-emission freight transport modes (bikes and vans) to implement dynamic Low Emission Zones.

The City of Helsinki is one of the 100 EU Mission 2030 climate-neutral and smart cities. Helsinki logistics operations are currently primarily led by private companies, but the city has an ambition to support the logistics field towards a new sustainable operational model in line with the action plan for city logistics, updated in 2020. In Helsinki, delivery trucks 22-26% of traffic emissions in the city. The overall share of vans used for last-mile logistics is unknown, but most vans are used for other purposes.

The Helsinki Living Lab will develop a new business model to optimise underused spaces and to promote the use of innovative, efficient, and low/zero emission of urban freight transport modes. This goal will be achieved thanks to the use of existing data sources for public space monitoring which will complement Helsinki’s Mobility Digital Twin (DT), supporting and contributing to Helsinki’s Action Plan for City Logistics. For Helsinki, the last-mile accessibility data will greatly reduce the amount of driving around, looking for building the entrances and parking spaces, that delivery vehicles are required to do. Reducing unnecessary traffic through tight spots increases the attractiveness of an area, improves traffic safety, and reduces emissions.